Free-cycling vs. Recycling Books on Aging

by Yoga Studio

In my neighborhood, we’re big into free-cycling. For those of you who don’t know what that means, for us in Berkeley free-cycling means putting things you no longer want or can’t use—clothes, household goods, knickknacks, books, CDs, furniture, etc.—on the sidewalk so that anyone who wants them can simply pick them up and take it home. I’m both a giver and taker (have found some interesting things!), but mostly a giver. I’m so dedicated to this practice, that it almost hurts me to actually just recycle something (or, God forbid, throw something out). In fact, when a friend of mine was downsizing recently due to a divorce and I heard that she was planning to her old books to the dump, I begged her to give them to me so I could “get rid” of them for her by free-cycling them. And indeed as odd a collection of books as it was—old, new, fiction, non-fiction, obscure, common, young adult, super sophisticated.—it only took a matter of days before those hundreds of books were completely gone. 

So when Brad came home the other day with a stack of books on aging that a colleague of his had left behind, I sorted them into two piles: 1) scientific books about mechanisms of aging that I wanted to keep and 2) mass market books on “how to stay young forever” that I intended to free-cycle. Now if you’ve read our posts about aging you might be able to guess why I didn’t want to keep those stay young forever books. As I said in my post, What is Aging, Anyway? 

“if someone out there tells you they can “stop” or even “reverse” aging—I've heard both claims myself—you should be very skeptical. Because right now with so much unknown about aging, there is no proof that any of these anti-aging solutions are effective (and, in some cases, like overuse of certain supplements or human growth hormones, they could actually harm you).” 

And, of course, the very person who helped me understand the importance of that message and encouraged me to spread it was none other than my husband, Brad (aka Dr. Bradford Wayne Gibson), who for 16 years studied aging as a medical researcher at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.

Anyway, after making my two stacks, I checked with Brad to see whether he agreed with my assessment. He gave me the thumbs up, except when I went to take the “how to stay young forever” books outside for free-cycling, he quickly grabbed them away from me. He said, “Oh, no, you don't. I don’t want ANYONE to read those books” and he tossed them all into the paper recycling bin. Whoa. I was shocked for a moment, but then the importance of his action really struck me. Yes, the irresponsible snake oil about aging that is written and published by people out to make a quick buck really does deserve to be reduced to a pulp. 

On Friday the recycling truck took away all the stay young forever books for processing, and one day soon they’ll have promising new lives as fresh, blank paper.

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Related : Free-cycling vs. Recycling Books on Aging

2017 YFHA intensive adjunct medicine agility aging ahimsa alcoholism Alzheimer's disease anger Anita Berlanga annadamide anxiety aparigraha Arda Adho Mukha Svanasana Asthma autoimmune diseases back care back pain balance balance techniques Betty Yoana Bhagavad Gita Bhgavad Gia Bhramara mudra blood pressure blue feet body-mind bone spurs bone strength bones Bonnie Golden brain brain (aging of) brain health breath practices Bridge pose cannabinoids Cat-Cow pose Chakravakasana chronic pain cognitive health compressed morbidity constipation contentment Corpse pose cough-variant asthma Cynthia Alleman death Debbie Cabusas dementia depression detachment diarrhea digestion digestive problems drug addition Easy Inverted Pose Easy Sitting pose emotional wellbeing equanimity Evelyn Zak exercise falling fear of falling feet (blue) Fourth Age yoga friendship frozen shoulder Gandi gastrointenstinal problems GERD Gwenn Marie Half Downward-Facing Dog pose Handstand happiness healthy aging heart problems Hero pose high blood pressure home practice HPA Axis Hunting Dog pose immune system inactivity independence inflammation injuries intentions isvara pranidhana Jill Satterfield karma yoga Kerry Egan koshas kriya yoga leg length discrepancy (LLD) Legs Up the Wall pose longevity low back pain lupus medical conditions medical conditions (yoga for) mental distress mini practice Moby mortality mudras music niyamas non-greed one leg shorter osteopenia osteoporosis pain pain management Patti Martin postural reflexes posture practice pranayama pratipaksha bhavanam PTSD quieting the mind Ram Rao Ramona Pittman Reclined Leg Stretch recovery Relaxation pose respiratory system safety samskaras sankalpas santosha satya Savasana Seated Crossed Legs pose sedentary behavior self study self-compassion self-regulation selfless service shoulder pain sitting sleep SOS spine health spiritual wisdom spondylolisthesis stress management Sukasana supported inverted poses Supta Padangusthasana surgery svadhyaya symptom improvement tapas TKV Desikachar Triangle pose triggers Trikonasana truthfulness vertebral factures Veteran's Yoga Project veterans Veterans Yoga Project Victor Dubin Viparita Karani Virabradrasana 3 Virasana Warrior 3 weight management witness mind yamas YFHA Intensive (2017) yoga philosophy Yoga Studio Bell Yoga Studio Gibbs Yoga Studio Rook yoga sutras