Yoga for Healthy Aging Winter Intensive: January 9 to 13, 2017

Sign ups are now open for next the Yoga for Healthy Aging intensive and teacher certification on January 9th-13th, 2017! 

This winter’s Yoga for Healthy Aging workshop will be taught by Yoga Studio Bell and Melina Meza (Yoga Studio will not be participating—see note below.) The intensive will be held in Berkeley, California at Namaste Berkeley. To sign up for the intensive, you must do so through Namaste Berkeley at Studio-bell-melina-meza/ or by calling Namaste Berkeley directly at 510-665-4300. Any questions are this intensive should be directed to Yoga Studio Bell at 

The course will provide instructions on maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health as you age. The main focus of the course is on preventative strategies, covering:
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Agility
  • Balance
  • Stress Management
  • Circulatory System/Heart Health
  • Brain Health
  • Medical Conditions (in general)
  • Equanimity

Yoga Studio and Melina will present the scientific background that explains how and why yoga works to foster healthy aging, so you’ll understand which techniques to use when. They will also teach you the essential yoga poses, yoga sequences, and other practices that will set you up for a lifetime of practice.

This intensive is designed for relatively healthy, relatively physically able participants. Not included in workshop: 1) Instructions for seniors who cannot stand unaided and need to practice in chairs and 2) Information about yoga as therapy for specific medical conditions.

For certified yoga teachers, this course will provide supplemental, specialized training in yoga for healthy aging techniques, which you can then teach to your own students. For yoga students with one or more years of experience, this course will provide you with the tools to create a personalized yoga program that meets your particular needs and concerns.

For teachers who want YHFA Certification, you will need to:

  1. Attend an extra session on January 14 (1:00-5:00pm), where you’ll do a short teaching demonstration.
  2. Pass the take-home final that Yoga Studio provides. 
  3. Provide a copy of your basic yoga teacher certificate (or resume reflecting equivalent experience)  


Training: $800| $725 early bird
Training + Certification**: $950| $875 early bird
Early bird pricing available until September 31, 2016.

*This training is subject to a $75 non-refundable processing fee. No refunds after December 15, 2016. Pre-registration required. This course WILL SELL OUT so register early to secure your space.

**Certification will require a take-home final to be completed after the training, attendance at an additional afternoon, and an additional fee as listed in pricing options.

Yoga Studio Bell, MD, eRYT500 is co-founder of and regular contributor to the Yoga for Healthy Aging blog, where he shares his knowledge of medical conditions, anatomy, and yoga with practitioners and teachers across the world. In addition to teaching classes, workshops, teacher trainings, and retreats internationally, Yoga Studio is a presenter at Yoga Journal Conferences and the International Association of Yoga Therapy’s Sytar Conference, and teaches online courses at Yoga U Online.  

Melina Meza, eRYT500, BS Nutrition, is a certified YFHA teacher and Ayurvedic health educator, who has been sharing her knowledge of yoga for over 20 years . Since 1997, Melina has been teaching at 8 Limbs Yoga Center in Seattle, where she is co-director of their teacher training program. Meza is the author of the Art of Sequencing books and contributing photographer for YFHA Blog. Currently residing in Oakland California, Melina facilitates year-round yoga workshops and retreats.

NOTE FROM NINA: I have decided to step down permanently from co-teaching with Yoga Studio. So from now on, all the Yoga for Healthy intensives and teacher trainings will be conducted without my participation. Yoga Studio will be solely in charge of these from this day on. All questions regarding the upcoming winter 2017 intensive and any future YFHA intensives and trainings should be directed to Yoga Studio at and not to me. I’m sorry that I’ll miss meeting many of you in person! That was a great joy to me. But I’ll still be continuing as Editor-in-Chief of the blog so you can always find me here, and we can at least continue to meet in the “virtual” world. And although I have no specific plans for teaching workshops right now, I’m not ruling out the possibility of teaching shorter, more focused workshops on my own sometime in the future. But first, there’s a book to finish! —Yoga Studio

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Related : Yoga for Healthy Aging Winter Intensive: January 9 to 13, 2017

2017 YFHA intensive adjunct medicine agility aging ahimsa alcoholism Alzheimer's disease anger Anita Berlanga annadamide anxiety aparigraha Arda Adho Mukha Svanasana Asthma autoimmune diseases back care back pain balance balance techniques Betty Yoana Bhagavad Gita Bhgavad Gia Bhramara mudra blood pressure blue feet body-mind bone spurs bone strength bones Bonnie Golden brain brain (aging of) brain health breath practices Bridge pose cannabinoids Cat-Cow pose Chakravakasana chronic pain cognitive health compressed morbidity constipation contentment Corpse pose cough-variant asthma Cynthia Alleman death Debbie Cabusas dementia depression detachment diarrhea digestion digestive problems drug addition Easy Inverted Pose Easy Sitting pose emotional wellbeing equanimity Evelyn Zak exercise falling fear of falling feet (blue) Fourth Age yoga friendship frozen shoulder Gandi gastrointenstinal problems GERD Gwenn Marie Half Downward-Facing Dog pose Handstand happiness healthy aging heart problems Hero pose high blood pressure home practice HPA Axis Hunting Dog pose immune system inactivity independence inflammation injuries intentions isvara pranidhana Jill Satterfield karma yoga Kerry Egan koshas kriya yoga leg length discrepancy (LLD) Legs Up the Wall pose longevity low back pain lupus medical conditions medical conditions (yoga for) mental distress mini practice Moby mortality mudras music niyamas non-greed one leg shorter osteopenia osteoporosis pain pain management Patti Martin postural reflexes posture practice pranayama pratipaksha bhavanam PTSD quieting the mind Ram Rao Ramona Pittman Reclined Leg Stretch recovery Relaxation pose respiratory system safety samskaras sankalpas santosha satya Savasana Seated Crossed Legs pose sedentary behavior self study self-compassion self-regulation selfless service shoulder pain sitting sleep SOS spine health spiritual wisdom spondylolisthesis stress management Sukasana supported inverted poses Supta Padangusthasana surgery svadhyaya symptom improvement tapas TKV Desikachar Triangle pose triggers Trikonasana truthfulness vertebral factures Veteran's Yoga Project veterans Veterans Yoga Project Victor Dubin Viparita Karani Virabradrasana 3 Virasana Warrior 3 weight management witness mind yamas YFHA Intensive (2017) yoga philosophy Yoga Studio Bell Yoga Studio Gibbs Yoga Studio Rook yoga sutras